Thursday 24 March 2011

Chin Woo and Hijau ..... 15th April 2011 Malacca Historical Day

a) Master HuoYuanJia , came from a well-known family in Tianjin Chinghai , Hebei China.


b) Someone introduce to us this old song in year 2011 ,  Zainal Abidin - Hijau ..... Bumi yang tiada rimba ,  seumpama hamba Bumi yang tiada udara ,  Bagai tiada nyawa ........
c) THE “No Plastic Bag” campaign introduced by the Selangor government has netted RM274,000 from consumers who have to pay 20sen for each plastic bag they use at retail outlets . According to state tourism, consumer affairs and environment committee chairman Elizabeth Wong’s office, more than 100 hypermarkets, supermarkets, pharmacies, convenience stores, bookstores and other retailers are taking part in the campaign . With the campaign in place for more than a year in Selangor, there is also the question of where the funds collected are channelled to . This could offer an opportunity for some retailers to reap more profits, because the funds could easily be channelled into their own coffers.

d) Traffic congestion here is expected to be a thing of the past when a RM272mil tram project is operational.
Said to be the first of its kind in the country, the trams will run on natural gas and cover 23 locations along a 40km route from Ayer Keroh to Banda Hilir in the heart of this historical city.

e) April Fools' Day is celebrated in the Western world on the 1st of April of every year. It is not a legal holiday, but is widely recognized as a day which tolerates practical jokes and general foolishness . Anyway , make sure certain matters dont get fool  eg 72-year-old woman loses life savings to scam

The woman, said she received a flyer in her letterbox in Klang last November with the photo of a monk , who provided help to those with financial , .... problems . She lost RM136,292 intended for her retirement to a tok guru ( master ) , who claimed to have the power to bestow good fortune ....... Their dream to own a home here was dashed when a mother and daughter from Singapore allegedly lost more than RM400,000 to a senior lawyer they had engaged to draw up the sales and purchase agreement.

They then met the seller and were shocked when he claimed he only received from the lawyer “a few thousand ringgit” for the house. A Bar Council official said the lawyer had not been issued a practising certificate since 2008.

f) Berita Harian has issued a public apology over its publication of a cartoon depicting the devastating tsunami and earthquake that swept Japan and killed thousands. The cartoon, drawn by Mohd Zohri Sukimi or more popularly known as Zoy, showed the popular Japanese icon Ultraman running away from an oncoming tsunami.

x bole buat bgtu, menyinggung persaan org. cuba kalu kita kena tsunami apa persaan anda kalu digantikan ultraman dgn hang tuah yg kononya digah-gahkan .... the cartoonist was on the wrong place at a wrong time. Hebat dan Lemah 'Hikayat Merong Mahawangsa'

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